Thankful For So Many Things

November 24, 2021
November 24, 2021 Daryl McMullen

Thankful For So Many Things

Thankfulness is described as “being conscious of the benefits” and being “well pleased” at an action or situation then, acting either physically or verbally in response. Without going into a long dissertation on the difference, “gratitude” is said to be more complex and a general mindset as a general state of thankfulness.

Knowing this definition of Thanksgiving, I can appreciate that our forefathers were very thankful that first Thanksgiving Day. They celebrated survival, lots of learnings, and figuring out how to make a new world work. That sounds a lot like what we have been busy doing here the last couple of years.

This week here in the United States we celebrate Thanksgiving. I am blessed that both my children, their children and some extended family will gather to celebrate. I am thankful for all of them and the addition they each bring to my life and all of us as a tribe. We are blessed in too many ways to list.

I also reflect on how thankful I am for my friends that I have reconnected with. They go back as far as 4th grade, Jr. High School and High School. They have all reentered my life this year, it is precious how all those magic moments we made all those years ago are so important. I appreciate all those decades of history and memories.

I am also thankful for my global adventurous friends from all the world, literally, top to bottom and all the way around. This year I am so thankful for Buzz and our giro and her brilliant hosting, and Francesco and my first motorcycle trip though Milan! I am thankful to Tanya who was the first to come visit me in Montana…and fall in love with Flathead Cherry red vines! Thank you to Julie & Mark who went on a tour with me for the entire “Going-to-the-Sun- Road” in Glacier National Park…my first tour guiding for my new hood. I am thankful for Margaret in a spontaneous moment had us rafting down the Flathead river. I am thankful for Jan always getting those amazing box seats for the Hollywood Bowl and for Lorri who goes with me. I am thankful for Elizabeth who across the country listens to all my stuff. I am thankful for Fiona and Doris who even though we are in 3 different times zones and 3 countries made time for us to learn and grow all through the pandemic mess. I am thankful for dozens of others who continue to count me friend.

I am so thankful for my wonderful clients across the country and around the world who continue to hold me to my best as I believe they can do what they never thought possible. They allow me to cheer them on to the highest heights. They trust me to support them and cheer them on to their biggest dreams.

I still thank Dr. Stephenson for giving me a new knee so that I can continue in my Dynamic Life adventures. I am thankful for my outstanding health and vitality.

I am thankful to God for planting me, like He did Esther for “such a time as this”; to let me have a family and career and friends I love so much. I am thankful He has given me two beautiful homes and wonderful churches where we can still freely worship.

I am thankful.

With my Dynamic Life….how could I not be?

If you are looking for more…if you want a Dynamic Life…reach out…I’d love to cheer you on to reach your greatest dreams.

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Happy Thanksgiving!
