Review – Reward – Ramp Up!
Let’s reflect back on 2021? It’s time to put the year in the rear-view mirror but before it drifts behind us…let’s think. What happened? What was great during the year?
Wins for me…I successfully traded a home in the Sierras in California for a home in the mountains of Montana. A huge win was me driving all the way from Palos Verdes, CA in a caravan with my kids to do the move across 6 states. All the way to Flathead Valley in the Northwest corner of Montana!! I had more family and friend gatherings than ever before. I got to leave the country and visit my favorite other country, Italy. Oh…and I also launched my 1st online product! It was a major feat! You can check it out here:
What were some of the wins…big or small…that you can give yourself an ovation for? I would love to hear!!
Next …what were some of the things that you learned this year? I learned (again) that sometimes you can be 100% correct (verified by experts) and it doesn’t mean things will be rectified. I was reminded that I need to use my forever measuring stick…”Does it count for eternity?” I learned that some of my longest friendships (from 7th,8th and 9th grade) can be renewed! I learned that taking a deep breath, saying nothing and allowing the result to come is usually the best method. And there were many other things too many to mention here.
What did you learn this year? Remember there is no failing, only learnings. If something didn’t work out, what did you take away from it? Make it worthwhile no matter what the result.
If you were to give your life a theme for the year 2021 what would you call it?
Mine was definitely “The Montana Move!”
Now….Bless your year and send it on its way…it is officially in the rear view mirror.
It’s time to look ahead! Choose the theme you would love to have in your new year! What is possible? What would you love? What is the underlying theme?
Think about what I call the “Wheel of Life.” Family-Factory-Finances-Friends-Fun-Faith (add any other area that’s missing). These are your areas of focus. What is something you’d like to see change in any of these areas? Use your imagination!
By December 31st 2022 – what is true in every area of your life? Once you have set your 1-year targets, focus on where you will need to be in each of these areas by June 30th – the midway point.
Then set the targets for the end of the first quarter – March 31st.
At this point you’ll be able to see one-month steps in each to achieve each target. Look at your January… It’s time to pull out your “week-at-a- glance.” All these aspirations are but a dream without specific action or schedules.
Think of your result…the target you envision. Now think of where you are currently. What is that next obvious step heading in the right direction toward the end result?
If you have read my book, The Power of Done, this is the gist of the chapter on Target Planning.
Or you may want me walking you thought this on video one step at a time…go to my online course at or you might have seen me cover this in a blog months ago. If so, you can check it out again here:
The critical distinction here is NO “To-Do Lists.” When you have imagined your target and brought it all the way forward to next month there will be a myriad of things you COULD do to achieve the target. Instead of making a “to-do list,” make a “Could-Do” menu. You won’t do everything on THE LIST…because the “List” is NOT the result. Employ Pereto’s principle and start with the 20% that will get 80% of the result. Schedule the 20%. And go into action following your schedule.
Here is where you will surprise yourself…since you’re only doing what will get the result…and you’re not caught in the weeds being busy doing all the “stuff” (80%).
The result happens quickly, and you have margins in your day for the things you never have enough time for! Do this for each area of focus and you have just given yourself all you dream of and many bonuses you didn’t think possible.
With all that in mind…I wish you a spectacular 2022!
This will absolutely lead to your living a Dynamic Life! Reach out and share at [email protected].
Have a Healthy, joyous and prosperous New Year!